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CSI Summer Camp LOGO



Campers use real forensic techniques to solve a crime and stage a trial.

Dates: August 5-9, 2024 8:30-3:30

Ages: 9-12 years

Cost: $375 - register here

Location: St. Martin's Lutheran School 1120 Spa Road Annapolis, MD 21403


A mysterious animal skull has been left outside the school building, and there is a shoe print and other trace evidence in the area.  Five women have called saying that someone stole their money and left their animal skull. Students will spend the week analyzing fingerprint, blood, hair, fiber, imprint, and documentation evidence to find the culprit and stage a trial.


Learn more about CSI Summer Camp!

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Please Note: Athough we will have many hands on activities CSI Camp is similar to a traditional classroom setting.  If your camper takes medication to be successful in school, please consider giving it to them during camp.

Day 1 / Monday

On day one, we will be introduced to our crime scene and collect evidence.

Day 2 / Tuesday

We will  receive our CSI CAMP shirts and go on a field trip to  the National Law Enforcement Museum. When we return, we will examine the evidence in our lab.

Day 3 / Wednesday

We will examine more evidence to test our hypotheses.   

Day 4 / Thursday

We will learn about DNA and figure out "Who Done It?".

Day 5 / Friday

Trial day! The campers will play the bailiff, clerk, attorneys, and expert witnesses. Parents and guardians join, participate, and watch the trial unfold from the gallery- the trial starts at 1 pm. We can't wait to see you there!

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